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What is the Kingdom Global Partnership Network?
KGPN is a group of individuals, churches/ministries, and businesses who commit to supporting and undergirding the ministry of Apostle L. D. Sims and The Kingdom Centre, Inc. by sowing a minimum seed of:
$12.00 for Individuals
$50.00 for Businesses/Churches/Ministries
This support is done through daily prayer, consistent financial support, providing needed products and services to the ministry free of charge or at a discounted rate, and supporting local and national events .
Levels of
Partnership & Sponsorship
Kingdom Global Partners
Kingdom Global Partner - $12.00/mo.
The K-Circle Partner - $25.00/mo.
Elite Circle Partner - $50.00/mo.
The Vision Carriers - $100.00/mo.
The Elite Group - $200.00/mo.
The Apostle’s Circle - $500.00/mo.
Kingdom Global Business Partners
Bronze $50.00/mo.
Silver $100.00/mo.
Gold $250.00
Platinum $500.00/mo.
Apostle’s Circle $1000.00/mo.
Expansion Patrons/Sponsors
Kingdom Global Patrons/Sponsors are individual or organizations that may not commit to just sponsoring with a monthly monetary donation but will do one of the following:
*offer a large onetime offering for a particular cause or purpose.
*Offer products and/or service from their business rather than a monetary donation.
*Will purchase and/or donate a needed item or service
Why Join the Kingdom Global Partnership Network?
There are many reasons to join the Kingdom Global Partnership Network. There are so many people that we will come into contact with and have the opportunity to help that you may never see, but because of your intercession and liberal donation to this ministry you then become a part of helping those people and carrying the cause. Your continued prayers and donation(s) put you in the position to be there even though you are not physically there. So Please Consider Helping the Cause and Become a Kingdom Expansion Partner/Sponsor TODAY!
Click the Donate Button to Make a One-time Donation using your Credit/Debit Card
Click the Subscribe Button to make a auto-pay Donation each month using your
Credit/Debit Card
You can also Mail your Check/Money Order to:
L.D. Sims Ministries
1102-B 4th Ave SE SW Ste. 5
Decatur, AL 35601
Make All Checks/Money Orders Payable to:
L.D. Sims Ministries
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