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Deep Red Paint

Our Story...

Life Church began in the heart of our Founding Pastor, Apostle Larry D. Sims over 15 years ago. Having a heart to minister to the broken and the battered and those who have experienced church hurt, in 2006, he launched a church with four members joining the first service. The ministry began to grow and many lives were changed through the ministry.


The church has had a consistent outreach ministry, “Love’s Gift Basket” started by one of the members.

Due to financial challenges, the ministry began to share a facility with another ministry; however, the partnering ministry made the decision to dissolve, leaving the ministry without a stable place to worship. This blow to the ministry caused the ministry to temporarily be inactive.


After much prayer and the inquiry of past members and new prospects, Apostle Sims decided to officially re-launch the ministry in 2019. He began having virtual services through various social media platforms. It was decided that he would start having In-Person services in March of 2020; however, due to the pandemic, that was halted.


In 2021, Apostle Sims began making plans to pursue a location to have in-person services. During this time, Apostle Sims felt God saying. “I’m doing a New Thing in you. It’s Time for Change!” After prayer and talking with the core group, it was decided that in the re-launch there would also be a Re-branding and name changed from Oasis Life Center Church, International to simply, “Life Church.”


In February 2021, Apostle Sims and the current Board began the process to change the legal name of the ministry from Oasis Life Center Church to Life Church HSV, Inc.


We are currently meeting both in-person and virtually through our social media platforms.


We're in the process of rebuilding and restoring the ministry and going where God is calling us.

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