"Fellowship without Bondage... Unity Without Compromise"

LFI Membership Options
Full Ministry Covering:
Full Ministry Covering is for individuals, churches, ministries and business who desire to submit to and be covered by Life Fellowship, International. These individuals/organizations commit to being taught, imparted into, covered in prayer and empowered through fellowship, relationships and various resources made available through being connected with LFI.
Those under full ministry covering commit to sowing/tithing on a consistent basis. There are also expected to attend at least one major event annually such as Holy Convocation to be considered in compliance and in active member status.
All Ministries/organizations under Full Ministry Covering are autonomous and controlled but their Senior Pastor/Leader and/or governing board. Life Fellowship, International does not exercise any control over its covered members or their ministries, unless requested by that ministry.
Timothy House (Sonship/Mentorship)
Timothy House is a special group for the Spiritual Sons, Spiritual Daughters and Mentees of Apostle Larry D. Sims. Understanding that individuals will join LFI for various reasons and because of their connections with various members and leaders with in LFI, Timothy House is set up for those who are directly connected to Apostle Sims as a Spiritual Father and/or Mentor.
Spiritual Sons & Daughters with a few exceptions, automatically fall under Full Ministry Covering; however, Mentees may not fall under that category in which case they will have an arrangement with Apostle Sims outlining their mentorship terms.
Credentialed Member
Credentialed members are individuals who hold ministerial credentials with LFI and may not be under full ministry covering with LFI but are in good standing for credentials. These individuals may be members of other ministries/reformations and connect with us for the purpose of training and receiving necessary credentials to fulfill their call in ministry.
These are NOT individuals who merely purchase credentials. There is a process they must go through in order to qualify and they must meet certain requirements. Once approved for credentialing they must stay connected and in good standing to maintain active status.
General Fellowship Member
General Fellowship Members are individuals, churches, ministries and business that connect with LFI for the purpose of Fellowship only. They do not hold any credentials and are not under any covering with LFI, with the exception of following guidelines set for members of LFI.
General Fellowship Members have limited access to events and happenings geared towards those who are under covering and have limited rights on decision making matters and voting within Life Fellowship, International.